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I really began my photography career in Photography 1, Junior year. It quickly became one of my favorite trades. Photography, to me is an excellent mode to storytelling, since it is less demanding of time from the viewer, though it can be trickier to compose well on the fly. Luckily, I love a challenge. My favorite way to photograph is things that portray a person's emotion, or rather their reaction to a situation/what they're going through; whether this means telling the story that caused their reaction, or whether their reaction is the story itself, human beings are the best method to spark empathy in fellow humans.


COVID Lockdown

Quarantine coverage in small town Cody, WY. Some images featured in an Edutopia Documentary.

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Two-Sided Quarantine

My goal in this project was to capture the unique multifaceted nature of a Wyoming Quarantine. Since we have such a sparse population and wilderness at every backdoor, many of us were privileged  enough to be able to get outside while maintaining social distance. By the same token, social isolation took a negative toll on many high schoolers. These photos were taken (in social distance) within an hour of each other on the same day.

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Beacons of Hope

This photo is one I took behind the scenes of filming my Beacons Of Hope project. I felt it captured the project as whole very well, this man was standing at one tipi, looking off at the last 2 and over the rimrocks and  highway, over the entire city of Billings Montana. I think it captured  well the feeling of isolation COVID brings, but the light in the darkness that can be found.

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Check out my full, unabridged photography portfolio website here.

Photography: Work
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